
Shumak Wambra is a 501(1) tax-exempt charitable organization, established in California, that applies our work to the regions in Peru with little, subpar, or no access to education and healthcare.

Shumak Wambra was founded by three mothers who grew up in Peru, have deep ties to the people, and possess a special desire to help children. These three women grew up seeing how children were affected by the low education standards. Many children could not read or write because they did not have access to education.

They saw many children go sick with illnesses that could have been prevented or cured with medication. Martha, Charo, and Lily were fortunate to have access to good education and healthcare, but their parents always made sure that they remembered those children who did not. Now they want to give back and put the children of Peru in a better position to succeed.

There has been plenty of charity work done between these three women, both in the US and abroad. Martha was part of a church organization that send medical help to remote parts of the Andes. Charo and Lily both volunteered on two or more of those missions. These missions provided physicals, visual exams, and eyeglasses. Lily has also helped establish other non-profit organizations that have similar goals to ours and has gone to help in Peru on several occasions.

As friends, and mothers, they decided that they wanted to leave something for their children; something they could grow. As Peruvians who raised their children to be proud of their country, they knew that the focus needed to be in Peru. They are willing and eager to dedicate their time and money so that the children can be whatever they want to be. As organization, our goal is for this generation to have more opportunities than those before them and, in turn, leave the world a better place.